my fifth grade life

life in fifth grade. I like being in it because it is a lot of fun. U get to do a lot of more thing then last year.You get to larn a lot more then last year.My favorite anhansmets it P.E and my favorite 3 teachers is ummul cuz she is rially cool funny and nice bantaly cuz she is rilly my favorite cuz she halpse me out when im having bad day and when im down and she is nice in cool mic berid he is my ferst man teacher he is the coolist dud aver his feet is the size of my arme and his haned is biger then my hade his show size is a 13 and a halef he is a gint when a ferst gerader sees him ther lipe hanges down there like who is this this giant or god it is halaerheis and my bast ferands are berdadok campoll tyson will jody alix and that is it bye